The large corporations who support terrible trade deals that offshore jobs, they are donating to Clinton, he said, adding that the Wall Street investors who have rigged the regulations against the middle class, they are donating to Clinton."Hillary Clinton is an insider fighting only for herself and for her donors."In her campaign for President, Hillary Clinton has received USD 100 million dollars in contributions from Wall Street and the hedge funds. What's going on in this country is so sad.

Washington: Republican nominee Donald Trump on Friday claimed the first presidential debate with Hillary Clinton was "rigged" after political analysts said his Democratic rival won the debate.Addressing his supporters at an election rally in New Hampshire, 70-year-old Trump said the first debate was a "rigged deal". 13 phones missing, several destroyed with a hammer.Trump, 70, said he had to fight with moderator Lester Holt on "everything I said".. Remember November 8," Trump said.jpeg Political analysts said Hillary Clinton won the debate against Trump with her emphatic performance.Alleging that Clinton put the office of Secretary of State up for sale, Trump said if she ever got the chance, she would put the Oval Office up for sale too. Lies to Congress, under oath, about turning over her work-related emails," he said.

Trump said he would work hard over the next 40 days to win the White House.According to the real estate mogul from New York, his campaign is going to end Clinton's corruption and restore dignity and honesty to government service.Political analysts said Hillary Clinton won Double expansion anchors Manufacturers the debate against Trump with her emphatic performance.Political analysts said Clinton, 68, won the debate with her emphatic performance and put the reality television star on defensive on crucial issues. She and Bill Clinton were paid USD 150 million for speeches since Bill left the Oval Office. Her staffers taking the fifth amendment, and her ringleaders getting immunity deals. The same groups paying Bill and Hillary for their speeches were lobbying the federal government," he said. AA Donald Trump. We're going to call them the FBI Immunity 5.

"Then I had to put up with the anchor and fight the anchor on everything I said. We are going to create a new government that serves you, your family, and your country," he said. We are going to create millions of new jobs for our people, trillions in new wealth for our communities, and rising wages for every working American. What a rigged deal, I tell you, we are in such a rigged system it is terrible. Foreign enemies with easy access to hack her server."We are going to take on the special interests, the lobbyists, and the corrupt corporate media that have rigged the system against everyday Americans.Trump also alleged that the special interests who want open borders are donating to Clinton."She deleted and bleached 33,000 emails after a Congressional subpoena. I am an outsider fighting for you," he said. But it will change

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