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And he continued with this generosity afterwards. And this last is a quality that appeals greatly to the middle class, which formed the core constituency of the PTI. He wasn’t the only PTI leader to follow this path; Asad Umar had a similar trajectory. Even after he became prime minister, interactive sessions with him lacked the kind of decorum usually prevalent while talking to heads of states.With Khan, there was, and continues to be, a greater level of comfort and a sense of equality. Imran Khan is a leader who is said to be — at some levels — the creation of the media. (In the interest of transparency, I should confess that I too have been one of the anchors/vultures who lined up outside his door after he was released. Abbasi was one of the few, or the only prime minister, who continued to give one-on-one interviews liberally, to those who are deemed friendly to his party as well as the PML-N’s ferocious critics. Last week, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi was released from jail after the Islamabad High Court allowed him bail. While meeting the latter two, much thought goes into the phrasing of the question and how it is asked, she pointed out, while with Khan one doesn’t have to worry about being deferential. How will this play out in the future and will family-dominated parties change to accommodate such figures? All this remains to be seen. Perhaps this is because it is a widely prevalent view that overexposure on television is to be avoided for celebrities — be they of the entertainment kind or from the political world — but is this really true in the present age of television-led politics of Pakistan?Consider the present Prime Minister of Pakistan.

Former prime ministers from the PPP such as Yousuf Raza Gilani and Raja Pervaiz wholesale hollow wall anchors Ashraf are rarely found in front of the cameras except at press conferences.But it seems that for the moment the game has changed. As few could match Khan earlier when both the PML-N and the PPP were accused of being a friendly opposition, leaving the PTI head to fill the vacuum. Umar, too, is a face of the PTI in a way that few others in the PTI are. Since his release, he has been giving television interviews at a pace matched by few others.This enabled him to present a different face — not just because he was accessible but because he seemed less distant, and not someone who had to be treated with deference and distance. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan (Photo: AP) The angry politician is back on television. A television channel anchor once remarked perceptively that there was a comfort level during interactions with Khan, which was not present during meetings with the Sharifs or Asif Zardari.And this is proving true for Abbasi as well. In this age of television, he is the first from a family-dominated party to achieve this sense of celebrityhood. In the past couple of years, he has grown in stature, so much so that in the PML-N’s reorganisation, a new post was created for him and there were few who questioned why. Earlier, the PPP had two prime minister who were not from the party’s first family and they seemed to have made little impact.The anger is apparently part of the recipe for success, as is the ability to appear down to earth and ‘one of us’, rather than different.Most of his contemporaries — from any party — are not this generous with the television cameras.


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This is the discomfort Arnab puts his guests and what he does is a violation,” he opines.“He is a great comedian but at the same time, his behaviour — heckling Arnab while the flight was mid-air — is not something I approve of. I support him as there was no violence, and he just stood there and spoke his mind,” concludes Karan. I have been a guest on Arnab’s show half a dozen times and that is the mode of operation.As a result, not only did IndiGo ban him from taking their flights for six months, other airlines were also advised by Civil Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri to impose similar restrictions.. His journalism is intrusive and unwelcome, and he has carried it on nevertheless and has come under criticism.Echoing this sentiment, Chaturvedi points out that the chipping in of aviation minister was excessive..Karan believes that while the past Goswami satires haven’t worked well this is one will settle with people. Here you are creating nuisance in the space. You should deflate me. Just watch the 9 pm debate on Republic and tell me who is unstable?

There is a huge difference in the way Arnab shouts and the way Kamra is putting forth his thoughts,” points out Karunesh. “I know this is not allowed, it’s fine. Kunal has not instated any communal disharmony that happens daily. He specifically does not have that right.“I do not think Arnab has the right to privacy when his reporters breach that privacy all the time. Arnab, you should have a reply. They are calling him an unstable person attacking Arnab on the flight.For Ram Subramanian, founder of Handloom Picture Company, who was one of the first few to support Kamra, calls his video a piece of art. It is an oppressive system if you are taxpayer, but if you are an elected official you are the God,” says the filmmaker. “It shows our priorities and selective measures of punishment,” she explains.Comedian Karunesh Talwar finds Kamra’s ban from airlines upsetting, and points out the crass means adopted by the news anchor’s reporters while chasing politicians and bureaucrats.While most round coupling nuts factory believe that this going to be both, a boon and bane for Kamra, many support him for his opinions and thoughts.Parodying the Republic TV journalist’s infamous style of questioning, Kamra in the video questions the anchor about his journalism while he calmly ignores the spiel.We need to call these people out for who they are and what Kamra has done is interesting,” says comedian Karan Talwar. He is not a journalist, he is an entertainer who is emasculating as a journalist. And we must understand that Arnab does this in a studio environment,” she opines. “I 100 per cent support Kunal in this. However, for people to fall in the same category to teach a lesson, will embolden him to continue behaving in this manner,” she adds.


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 (Representational image)   Mumbai: Non-woven polypropylene (PP) bags, which have a striking similarity to cloth bags, have become a major bone of contention in the implementation of the plastic ban. In order to ban the non-woven PP bags, the state should ban their manufacture.

Their main contention is these bags look like cloth bags and hence they refuse to pay the fine,” said an inspector.“People find it hard to believe.PP bags are made of synthetic plastic polymer. Non-woven PP takes those fibres and presses them under heat to create a sealed sheet.. Both type of bags look exactly the same.“It’s very difficult to differentiate between non-woven PP bags and cloth bags.People are up in arms against BMC inspectors after being asked to pay a fine for using non-woven PP bags, which have been prohibited under the plastic ban.35 lakh.A civic inspector said that they are finding it difficult to convince people that non-woven PP bags are made of plastic only.


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